You mustn't break the rule that no one but drivers can enter the cab.
《简明英汉词典》A certain ( some ) person HAs seeing you break the rule.
互联网If you dare to break the rule, you will be punished.
如果你敢违反规定, 你会受到处罚.
互联网In other words, if you break the rule, you will be punished.
换言之, 如果你违反了规则, 你将受到惩罚.
互联网Be careful. Don't break the rule of exam and cheat.
小心点, 不要违反考场纪律,不要作弊.
互联网It was an experiment, I wanted to break the rule of the young and the beautiful.
这是一次实验, 我想打破年轻与美的规则.
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